Award Winners!
Last night we were crowed the winner of the White Rose Tourism Award for Small Visitor Attraction of the year! We were up against some stiff competition including the James Herriot Museum and the Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds, so were over the moon to win this prestigious award, and were honestly shocked when they called our name, I had to quickly put my shoes on to get on the stage! With us being so hidden away, and to win out of the entire of Yorkshire is an incredible achievement , all the staff and volunteers at the museum have worked really hard to improve the experience for our visitors, and it is so nice that all that hard work has been recognised. You can’t stand still in times like this, we rely on visitors coming through the door to afford to open each year, and to do that we need to continuously be improving our offer and opening the museum up to new audiences. It is a fantastic way to kick start our 50 th Anniversary celebrations next year! It was a real team effor...
That is not the Shuttle, quit pullin my tail