
The Museum has a c. 1870s Marshall thresher dating from the second half of the 19th century. The thresher is used once a year Its wooden wheels are absolutely rotten and can not be renovated. We are attempting to make new wheels to the old pattern. We have recovered the tyres and metal stocks from the old wheels and these will be used built into the new wheels.

The spokes are oak (x12 per wheel - for strength and load bearing) and the felloes (pronounced 'fellies') are made of ash (the six outer sections of the wheel - ash for springiness and resilience). If the stock (centre hub) was to be in wood, this would be made from elm because of its curly grain to give strength and resistance to splitting. We have cast metal or 'military' stocks or naves.

The finished wheels will be hooped with metal tyres or 'hoops' that will be fitted 'hot' and allowed to shrink or 'nip' on to the felloes. The wheel will then be painted.
Albert Elliot


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