Napoleonic Re-enactors this weekend!
68th (DURHAM) LIGHT INFANTRY AT HUTTON-LE-HOLE & RYDALE 1811 1811 (An outline) Britain is at War, there is a Tory Government and the system of Governance is changing. In February King George the IIIrd was pronounced ‘unfit’ to rule having descended into madness. His son George the Prince of Wales has been declared sovereign by proxy. He rules as king in all but title. So begins ‘The Regency’. However his extravagant lifestyle and spending continue to make him unpopular as is the Tory Government which has made him Regent. Led by Spencer Perceval, (In 1812 to become the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated.....yet?), the Tory Government is notable only for is lack of senior statesmen. Taxation is rising to pay for the war. The War with Napoleon’s France continues. This year the Royal Navy has again defeated a French Fleet at the Battle of Lisa on March 13th. Whilst Napoleon himself fights the armies of Russia and Austria in central Europe a succession of his Marshalls lead ...